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Year 9 trip to ITV Studios

Some students from Hampstead school where given an opportunity to go to see the ITV STUDIOS in London.

At the beginning of the day students had to be at the school by 7:45am and returned to school by 3:00pm; the train ride was rather long and lasted 45 minutes from Cricklewood to the ITV studios so all in all the ride was actually worth it for the treat they for.

Once the students got to the studio they were given a tour of the studio and the production, during this they apparently met the hosts and presenters in the lift.

The students where given a chance to make their own show, get behind the scenes of the tech and also meet the presenters from the early morning show. Students had to learn how to control the devices and how to act in front of the camera, talking about the camera, the camera had an auto script which in other words is a script scrolling up the camera at a set pace for the reader/presenter. Once the students got the camera reading trick mastered they had to learn how to control the camera from the control room and also the studio in itself.

After a tiring day of presenting and producing the students and the teachers that came along finally finished and were allowed to leave the premises by 2:05pm and got back to school by 3:00pm, and so all in all it was a fun day and everyone enjoyed their day as a news reporter, cameraman/camera lady, presenter and mechanic.

“An amazing trip, packed with fun and spectacular things to do” - Billy

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