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Maths Olympians!

This afternoon, Hampstead School Maths department are holding the Math’s Olympiad event, where some of the sharpest minds in the school get together to solve tricky numerical problems.

Earlier in the day we interviewed Mr Lee- A maths teacher. He informed us on the maths Olympiad and the junior maths challenge. He stated that ‘the maths Olympiad is one of the hardest Maths events for young people’.

To select the students for the maths Olympiad they pick the highest ranking students from each year. On the other hand, the maths challenge sees 30 high ranking students from each year take part.

The awards in the maths challenge range from GOLD (around 7% of students), SILVER (12% of students) and BRONZE (25% of students)

Mr Lee thinks ‘the maths challenge is a very good challenge to join. If I tell you the answers it takes away the fun, yet if you solve it yourself, you enjoy it! It’s also really hard, so you can get a challenge!’

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